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What People Are Saying About DeGrace Energetics

  • Samantha Fauteux

    I had the pleasure of joining Amanda DeGrace for her Biz Training for Wellness Professionals. Amanda shared her wealth of knowledge of business during the training, and shared many personal experiences to help the group thrive in their own businesses. As someone who is new to the business world, I found that this training was exactly what I needed to kick start my business on the right path!

    Amanda helped me set clear goals and expectations, and goes in-depth with the many ways to promote and sustain a healthy, successful business. Walking out of the training, I felt there is nothing stopping me and my business from succeeding. There is no doubt that this training will help you and your business succeed in the years to come!

  • Meg Stickl

    Thank you, Amanda, for presenting such an informative social media seminar. I like how you simplified many aspects of social media. It was easy to understand and very applicable to my business. I walked away with new knowledge that I could implement in my business right away. You inspired me to start a Twitter account!

  • Kamerine Gardam

    I was drawn to the Business Training because it was specifically for professionals in health and wellness fields. I learned so much and connected with a lot of people in Ottawa who are fitness trainers, yoga instructors, massage therapists, and naturopaths. Bouncing ideas off of them was invaluable.

  • Jennifer Tuthill

    As a newbie to owning and running my own business, I was starting at square one. Amanda's business bootcamp was a great place to meet and network with other professionals in the field of health and wellness. The bootcamp was a great atmosphere and I really enjoyed how eager everyone was to pass along business ideas to others in the room. It really felt like we were all working together to better one another's businesses. The speakers were knowledgeable, entertaining, and able to keep my interest. I would definitely recommend this event to business owners in the health and wellness field both new and old. It was a wonderful and inspirational way to spend my weekend. It has made me excited for what 2016 will bring to my business!

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